that made him a risky witness, but leon wanted to testify. >> i never asked to have anybody hurt, killed, harmed, kidnapped. we had multiple discussions, or multiple conversations, about not wanting to harm or hurt anybody. >> reporter: the state said that was just semantics. on cross-examination, prosecutor samantha knecht pointed out that despite leon's claim he hadn't explicitly asked for meghan or mack to be killed, he didn't exactly shy away from violent talk. >> "snatch her, put her in a room, and tell her if she doesn't [ bleep ] leave, i'm gonna kill her parents," right? >> if that's what you say i said. >> did you say it mr. jacob? >> sure. >> reporter: as for leon's claim he never suggested killing meghan? >> if you injected someone with potassium chloride and stopped their heart that it would hurt them? >> yes. >> it would kill them? >> yes. >> and you knew that as a doctor?