congress. there was a hold on it. you couldn't give them any explanation, is that right >> that's right. >> you couldn't tell them why it was being withheld. >> i could not. >> if they couldn't put two and two together you put two and two together for them because you told them in warsaw they were going to need to make that public statement likely to get that aid released. >> i said i presume that might have to be done in order to get the aid rye leased. >> because we've had a lot of -- a lot of argue mentation here, well, the ukrainians didn't know the aid was withheld but the ukrainians found out and then it was made abundantly clear if they hadn't put two and two together themselves that if they wanted that aid they were going to have to make these straights, correct. >> correct. >> mr. nunes. >> yield to mr. radcliffe. >> ambassador sondland, i'm going to try to quickly move to summarize all of your direct