the mifirst is the role of the president when it comes to appointing our ambassadors and long standing corruption in ukraine and the third is aid to ukraine. earlier this week as you know we heard from george kent and i know mr. kent is a colleague and friend who you deeply respect, in his testimony, he stated all ambassadors serve the pleasure of the president. you would agree with that statement, kr e-connecorrect? >> yes. >> he elaborated and went onto emphasize, this is not a question, everybody understands that. you agree with that? >> yes. >> although i understand, everyone understands that i serve at the pleasure of the president, is that correct? >> yes. >> just so there is no public confusion, you are still an employee of the state department, correct? >> yes. >> you said you personally asked whether it would be possible to be a fellow at georgetown university and that was arranged for me and i am grateful.