you see it from his twitter administration withdrew from the feed. you saw it most recently when he nuclear agreement with iran as that country continues to retweeted that video where biden struggle from u.s. sanctions. here with me on more on this, was on the council of foreign victor shaw, a professor for the relations talking about what he center for strategic and did at the time to get the international studies at ukrainian prosecutor dismissed georgetown university. from his position. professor, thank you for being the president still, his golf here. what do we know about this new cart -- i don't know if there weapon that russia claims to be, have been movements since i've been talking here, see if he 27 times faster than the speed hello, live from msnbc gets closer to a cell phone of sound? later this afternoon. >> well, we don't know much headquarters, thanks for being >> hans nichols there on about it. when they talk about missiles with us on this saturday. today we're going to start with everything presidential, and being hypersonic, most missiles the impeachment, how that might "ray donovan" hollywood's fixer. that go that distance and on affect the 2020 race for president. that sort of ballistic path are we're going to start the hour at times seems the president going to it be hypersonic with former vice president joe could use a fixer. biden, now trying to clean up you never know. missiles. but they arely boasting an comments he made on the campaign hans nichols, appreciate it. trail yesterday. see you next hour on "106 & biden was asked hypothetically advancement in technology and we how he would respond if don't exactly know what that is. subpoenaed by the senate to park." heating up with presidential >> if it's true and it was a testify during its impeachment candidates taking shots at one trial of president trump. successful launch, what does well, here's a look at some of that mean for us? >> two things. another over financing. high-dollar donors, defending first with regard to u.s. what he had to say about all of that. strategies ahead of the fourth missile defense, national >> do you stand by your earlier missile defense capacity. statements that you wouldn't quarter funding deadline. both in terms of homeland-based comply if you were subpoenaed to joe biden releasing names of testify in an impeachment trial more than 200 people bundling defense. also the network of defenses before the senate? >> correct, and the reason i cash for his campaign. that we have with our allies's that becomes increasingly more this he calls an effort to be