political. we're talking the highest court in the land forever. and this person now has three corroborated attacks of harassment against him? accusations. >> it's krob rated. >> their questions about how corroborated the last situation was. >> i do think you have to investigate it. it's not surprising that somebody who has been accused so many times of sexual harassment like our president is brushing it away as a left thing. but i do think you have to go for it. >> there are many people say trying to impeach a supreme court justice is an exercise in futility. the senator voted no on kavanaugh's confirmation. and he spoke right here earlier. >> we should have had a full, fair, thorough investigation. yeah, if it is, infact, he lied to the committee, that that's serious allegation and people can be impeached for that. >> of course, you know, doug jones has a very tough election,