it's public, there are cameras in the area, and if something bad were to happen i know of at least two or three people that are there a lot that would probably come to my rescue. >> is that the kind of thing you have to do when you sell a weapon? >> that's the thing i do when i sell a weapon because i've got entirely too much to lose. i have a family, i have a job that, you know -- i love them both. i did not want to jeopardize those. we met at the station. i showed him the rifle in the back end of my car, and then i filled out a bill of sale, because i wanted to make sure that this was trackable. i kept a copy. he kept a copy. we reviewed everything to make sure that it was what he wanted and make sure everything was, you know, up to snuff. >> reporter: you saw his photo i.d.? >> i saw his photo i.d. >> reporter: and how carefully did you, you know, store the information? >> i'm kind of a pack rat by nature. it's my -- my teacher nature, you don't throw anything away. so all of the email conversations that he and i had, i kept. all the text messages between he and i, i kept. and i still had pictures that i had originally posted on armslist, those were still on my home computer.