story is kind of complicated. i think it's possible that the democrats don't want him up there because he'll get into this whole conspiracy theory and if you let him up there then you start heading down a rabbit trail about the bidens and all that. republicans probably don't want him up there because he'll probably say stuff that would be incriminating against the president. he has already, the one you cited at the new yorker is an example. i think he's a wild card for both sides. >> jessica, you're nodding your head. >> yes, he's absolutely a wild card. one of the other things in this proposal is time limits for the presentation of arguments and evidence and questioning of witnesses and i can see giuliani running out the clock for the time that either side have to present evidence so i think they're smart to focus on other witnesses who are likely if they present testimony to be more focused and not run out the clock. >> julian, if you want to chime in, go ahead. >> i think a contrary view might be no pain, no gain. the public is split right now and i think he is a wild card for all the reasons that peter points out but i think he's a