to call witnesses starting next week. logistically we'll see if we can make that happen. >> no recess? >> it is our hope as a committee we would be working over the recess, yes. >> got it. congressman jim himes, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, katy. >> rudy giuliani was mentioned in the whistleblower report more than 30 times. what's going to happen to him? m? ♪ when you have diabetes, dietary choices are crucial to help manage blood sugar, but it can be difficult to find a balanced solution. try great-tasting boost glucose control. the patented blend of protein, fat, and carbs is part of a balanced formula that's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. in fact, it provides 60% more protein than the leading diabetes nutrition shake and contains only 1 carb choice. enjoy the balanced nutrition of boost glucose control as part of a healthy diet.