is someone whose record throughout the mueller report and the aftermath was really questioned because of his close relationship with the president, his decision not to continue with an obstruction of justice charge, his calling into a potential spying investigation, he used that word, there are a lot of questions that have led up to the way we already see the relationship between the president and his attorney general. >> one message that's been sending to those who work at the justice department, bill barr's general attitude toward investigations into this president, the way he summarized the mueller report, talked about needing to investigate the or begins of the mueller report, and whether that has sent a message without him having to say anything, i'm not sure that's an open question. greg, there was another moment that was really interesting in the hearing. this came from joaquin castro when he was asking acting dni maguire why maguire decided that the president was outside of the intelligence community. take a listen. >> you keep saying the president