white house is backing down, but everything changes if there's an inquiry. >> when it comes to contempt or any other issue that might go to the ag, do they believe that ag barr will be on their side no matter what? does the president have in ag barr what he did not in sessions and what he said he wanted, which was a protector? >> well we have seen instances in which this attorney general seems to be protecting the president and this is a case in point. because he's effectively made the decision to protect. the complaint. will that continue though? i'm not sure because there are going to be tests every day as it relates to this i think. democrats kobt to push for more information despite the fact they're going to get the transcript tomorrow. so it will be a real question to see whether the attorney general continues down that path. >> i wonder if in ten years, we'll back and say did this really happen? did we really live through this? >> and how did we all survive given how little sleep we get.