they may act, we need people to immediately let the police know. if you see something, say something. that phrase is really pertinent when it comes to stopping hate crime. and you're not going to have the ability to have a police officer on every single corner at all times, but you are going to have the ability to have a strong police presence and a deep connection to the community that brings out that information, allows us to stop these crimes before they happen. >> new york city mayor bill deblazio, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. joining me is legal analyst, carol lamb, a former federal prosecutor and state assemblyman and founder of americans against anti-semitism. i want to start with you. just react to what you heard mayor deblazio say there. >> i'm not quite sure what the mayor is talking about and i think he's being less than honest. the fact is, that anti-semitism in new york, in his city that he has been the mayor for quite a few years, is unprecedented.