and we've got ali vitali in new hampshire. mike, i imagine that all of the candidates are going to be asked to respond to this shooting that took place in pensacola this morning. but i understand that joe biden is about to show up where you are and he's got john kerry with him. explain what's about to happen here. >> reporter: i'll set the scene for you. if you're wondering what life has been like for us on the no malarky tour, this is day seven of that. you're looking at it. it's standing outside in the cold outside of a venue with a dozen of my dear friends in the press corps waiting for the bus to pull up and maybe to have a chance to speak to the former vice president. and we've had some success doing that all week. as you say, john kerry endorsing the former vice president falls under the category of not a surprise. it would have been probably bigger news if kerry did not endorse him. of course they were colleagues in the senate for decades and worked in the obama administration. but talking to biden's campaign