and that is just, just, just not community and has followed through on his promises to how you treat good allies. as peter said, danes fought and mitigate some of the cultural wars we experienced in the 2000s. >> let's talk about that. died alongside americans in war you lay out some reasons, your after war after war. this diplomatic relationship goes back hundreds of years. group does, of why you endorsed and president trump has spread and i had the great to stop the spread of hiv/aids. responsibility to ask the danish deposit to send troops into those are the specific measures. harm's way. and frankly this is just not how others are more general, tax you treat good allies. cuts, helping families, et >> so given the relationship cetera. by endorsing president trump that you're talking about and you're endorsing a number of given what we have heard -- other policies. again, just the last 45 minutes the labor department last week proposing a rule that would make or so from the danish prime it easier for government minister when seemed to be contractors to discrimination taking a very diplomatic tone. against lgbtq employees, she was very careful not to transgender workers not express outright anger at protected by civil rights laws. president trump. what happens with this are you endorsing u.s. embassy relationship from here? how does this affect the a lines at this point? do you think in six months the shouldn't fly the pride flag. president might reschedule his the list goes on. trip and this all gets brushed you can see the headlines there. under the rug? how are you comfortable with that? . >> well, listen, firstly, i do >> well, some of those -- some of those issues are just either think we are going to have to --