actual vote on the impeachment resolution and trules. we also are told in a departure from then normal course, speak pelosi will be presiding over this, speaking and going up in front ofnd the entire congress there to preside over this vote. speakers also, asis you may kno from watching the news, speakers don't usually vote on each provision becauseea the speakerf the house controls everything and can control when there are votes and when there are revotes. we're told thel speaker may also -- we're watching to see if the speaker votes on this resolution as well. i want to bring in garrett haake who has been keeping an eye on all ofpi this directly for us o the dihill. what happens next, garrett? >> reporter: i'm still seeing the s majority of members have t yet voted in this first series.i usually the first votes of the day are the first time a lot of members set foot onme the house floor. folks are coming from their offices, from their apartments around town. a lot of membersou starting the day rolling m in for this first vote. we'll see thiss timer probably expire and then have some additional time before the