they're just not capable of solving this problem >> there's a big frustration you have so much money being poured into the system, but it's taking so long to get these resources and these shelters and these apartments online, so that creates a real point of vulnerability for the city, creates on opening for trump when he wants to come here and be critical of the situation. >> have lawmakers like governor newsom or l.a. mayor eric garcetti who i spent some time with last yeerks have they indicated any willingness, openness to work with the administration on some solution? >> not really. i don't think they sense the administration really wants to work with them it was only a day ago that the white house council of economic advisers came out with a report on what they think the conservative solution should be to ending this homeless crisis i don't think any of the leaders in california think it's the way to go. they think it's overly simplistic they think it's just a big, broad brush.