back up for now, i'm going to and that over?; to my colleagun new york city who will have mori ahead this hour on dorian's progression and how residents along the southeast coast continue to brace for the fullj impact of the storm. >> thank you very much. just surreal image to see@uét island, the çóbahamas, theçó iss that you show earlier at the top of the program flooded under water. i think it captures for a lot of people what is ate>a stake as fs begin to recover fvrj devastating hurricane. thank you very much, craig. we'lli] have a lot more about ts throughout the course of the hour and the day. switching gears for a moment, the world's largest retyr&er takes action on guns. the white house and mitch mcconnell are still struggling to come to an agreement on legislation. ñ table. plus, plus, riding a rubé%t duck into alligator infested waters. that's how one çógop strategist bribes president trump's re-election hopes being pinned on the state of the economy.