had two federal judges down here in florida who ruled that that sweetheart plea deal that epstein got years ago was wrong and illegal and violated the federal crime victims' rights act, and now we have a federal judge, judge berman in new york who's allowing these proceedings to go on in this unusual way, it's now how the system is trying to the right the wrongs, the criminal justice system failed these victims years ago, recently the criminal justice system failed these victims by allowing jeffrey epstein to take his own life. and so it's a wonderful opportunity and bittersweet one at that for these victims. to answer your questions, chris, so the investigators, including the southern district of new york, the u.s. attorney has indicated that the investigation continues. coconspirators, those who facilitated the crimes of jeps, jeffrey epstein, if not committing crimes themselves are still under scrutiny and so investigators are going to be listening carefully to the testimony provided to the attorneys today.