a fisa warrant, and the government -- information's given to the government that questionsto the foundation of t warrant, is there an obligation to tell the court? >> absolutely. >> they did not do that, did they? >> correct. >> they lied about the information that was exculpatory to mr. page. >> they gave misleading, inaccurate information. >> at what point does --ad can surveillance that d started lawfully become illegal? >> it can -- it can become unauthorized, inappropriate, illegal. depending on -- >> would you apply all those terms to what happened in this case? >> i'm going to let others, who have the ability to address some of these issues, decide what the precise level of intent was. >> here's what i'm going to say. it may have started lawfully. it got off the rails quick. it r became a criminal conspira to defraud the fisa court. to put mr. page through hell.