intelligence storage system even though there was nothing intelligence about the conversation. they knew what was going on. and if it hadn't have been for that whistle-blower, we might not know this today. of course this puts the whole united states' position in jeopardy because there was someone else who knew about, and that was ukraine. >> uh-huh. and that does compromise things. congresswoman, thanks for talking to me. congresswoman diana deget of colorado. joseph meg yif left a closed meeting with the senate intelligence committee. joining me now from capitol hill is msnbc's garrett haake. that was a closed meeting so i guess we know less about what happened there than what we saw this morning in the house. but fundamentally, would it have been different from what the american public saw this morning? >> reporter: it appears the meeting itself was different and the reaction to it has been different, ali. by and large today on the senate side of the capitol you have not seen republicans rushing to the barricades to defend president trump in the same way that they saw on the house side today. a lot of republican senators