so you used to come here as a kid or this is a brand new-- - no, no, my dad did. my dad was wearing boots until i was like five years old. and then he started working in a factory. ♪ - you dress me 'cause this is your fam. i don't know what your family's going to respect. - yeah, to be honest with you, these hats look awesome. - they do, man, they look so badass. - yeah. i think, yeah, dude. - oh, this one fits me good. - oh, dude, look at that. - i could be a cowboy. why would all those like, people in brownface and all those eli wallach in "the good, the bad, and the ugly." - don't die. i'll get you water. don't die until later. son of a-- - yeah. - he wasn't mexican. - well, because they wanted to be mexican. they wanted to-- - oh, they wanted. - they wanted that flavor. - they were jonesing. yeah, they-- - yeah, dude. - they wanted to appropriate. because yeah, they were like, dude, that looks so damn cool. - yeah, damn, i gotta be one of them. [laughter] - now you need a shirt, bro. - yeah, i do need a shirt. ♪ - look at this right here though, bro. - oh, that's nice. i like that. - oh, dude. - it's not gucci or versace, it's vasari.