the europeans are frightened of him. this isn't good for russia's future. if he goes into ukraine, he may be making the pivotal mistake of russia in the last 50 years, so we're still -- the u.s. is still a gigantic military and economic power. russia isn't. putin's a risk taker. he's a thug. he's on the verge of a major mistake. >> general barry mccaffrey, always good to have you, sir, especially in these very tense moments. coming up next, we'll return to the breaking news on the retirement of supreme court justice stephen breyer. what will a confirmation fight look like in a senate with a thin democratic majority? also ahead, new details emerge about a surprise birthday party organized for boris johnson during the peak of the uk lockdown. an aide now saying and i'm quoting this person "it was cake by ambush" or "ambush by cake." .

Related Keywords

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