supreme court to abandon, really abandon its duty to protect the constitutional rights. it is allowing the state of texas to nullify its decisions that there is a right to abortion until viability and this is a six-week ban. what it's meant on the ground is that women and pregnant people in texas have had to leave the state. and right now, there are backups of four weeks in the state of oklahoma to get an appointment, impacting oklahomans as well as texans. six-week backup in mississippi to get appointments to clinics. it's just unconscionable. our clients are having to turn away people who are coming to them for health care. and it is just devastating. and what the court did today, yes, it did leave a shred of our case that we will continue to pursue. we'll look at every legal option to get this law blocked. but in the meantime, it leaves women in texas, pregnant people in texas, to be absolutely in a state of panic and disarray