questions, i have no doubt that your faith is important to you and i have zero doubt that you can adjudicate people's cases fairly if they're an atheist. if i had any doubt, i would say so. the only reason i mention this, judge, you're reluctant to talk about it, because it's uncomfortable. just imagine what would happen if people on late-night television called you an f'ing nut, speaking in tongues, because you've practiced the catholic faith in a way they couldn't relate to or found uncomfortable. so, judge, you should be proud of your faith. i am convinced that whatever faith you have and how often you go to church, it will not affect your ability to be fair. and i just hope that going in the future, that we all can accept that and that judge barrett, i thought, was treated very, very poorly. so i just wanted to get that out. let's talk about family. do you know janice rodgers

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