schumer, would still have to get passed that filibuster threshold when he files for closure, and he's not so far been able to do that. he's not convinced senator joe mannix or senator kyrsten sinema that now is the time to change the filibuster. we'll see this process play out. but unless there's a major shift on capitol hill here this week, these efforts are likely not to be fruitful. >> so, ana, explain to me, what would that mean? how would that be done? what are they thinking of doing? >> i mean, in terms of the package -- the reason why they want it to go through the house first -- again, this is under, you know, discussion. we don't know that this is a strategy they are going to take. but it's a way for the house to pass it and then it goes across to the senate as a quote/unquote message bill. and in this message bill, they only have to have one layer of cloture that they would have to get beyond. they don't have that ability right now. they don't have the votes. it's a legislative tactic that they're considering as a way of trying to kind of move forward