capitol. republicans liz cheney and adam kinzinger who sit on the committee investigating the insurrection have voted to approve the resolution. meadows has defied a subpoena to testify before the panel, citing executive privilege provided by president trump, but his lawyer says he has not stopped cooperating with the committee. with me now is ana palmer, founder of punchbowl news and an msnbc contributor. ana, great seeing you this morning. we're learned a lot this week from what meadows has already handed over to the committee. what do we know about the committee's work and how things stand with the white house on this investigation? >> reporter: yeah, i mean, clearly, we are getting a mind's eye into what they are looking into. while meadows has refused to testify, he has turned over a lot of documents. there's text messages that came up this week. they're clearly right to probe who knew what when and who was in communication with the trump white house. the fact that they did, you