new people added today. and then there are people who want to talk only about donald trump, let's put chris christie in this category. it establishes them as relevant, the logical number two. there are people who really have to introduce themselves to the people who probably don't know who they are. tim scott, great example. he has an opportunity, he's running a campaign of positivity. he's not on the attack, he'll be looking to introduce himself. it doesn't matter to him trumps there or not. his school is the same. you have people with different goals coming to the same stage all of the same time. >> karen's right, it's not about whether you talk about trump, it's how you talk about trump. >> i was gonna ask about. is it legal, is it other topics? >> chris christie one of the mistakes he's made as he's talking about as some sort of penance for the sins of four years of supporting donald trump. the way you talk about trump and draw the best contrast with the voters at home that are still persuadable is to say,