it took 51 minutes in that debate for any of those topics to come out. what did you make of that? >> i thought it was perfect. that's about donald trump. that's not about the future of this country. it's not about. look republicans are trying to save the country. he's trying to save himself when it comes to a debate, we don't want to be rehashing yesterday's news we want to move forward and we want to move to 2024. we want to think about what we can bring to the table with economy and independents and all these sorts of things. it's a huge opportunity. they didn't fall for the traps are thinking about the big guy. the forward-looking message works well. i did a few campaigns myself. there's a reality here. trump is still double digits ahead. some of these issues that are backward looking, as he described, them some of the other candidates describe them. it's about policy issues. the handling of classified documents. the sharing of nuclear secrets potentially. how you're handling democracy.