>> it's not like he made them do anything. these are grown men who all have pre-existi pre-existing roles of leadership and as member of the united states, congress, as governors and former attorney general, so they know what they're getting into when they're dealing with him and when they've engaged in the behaviors they've engaged in, apparently. they need to come before congress, they need to testify and under oath and tell the american people because they also have violated, apparently, the oath of office that they have taken. and so i would be cautious to suggest they've been lulled or seduced into something. if any of these individuals, if any of these men want to walk around wearing the lapel pin that they wear and have a bunch of staff running after them, calling them by their title, now they need to come before the united states congress wearing that title and speak truth about what they have or have not done in terms of either violating the oath of office they've taken or