time and, again, especially given the current sea states, it may take a little longer. we know where it is, we tag it, and then we'll go back and eventually recover that and bring it up. >> reporter: you found the titanic but haven't started pulling up degree from it. >> exactly. >> reporter: i want to ask about the overall program. you said you've been learning a lot about the balloon program over the last couple of years, yet the annual china report doesn't have a peep about balloons in there. you spend a lot of money and effort but no balloons. we learned about taiwan and china's balance of power and satellites and jets, no balloons, why not? >> tony, what i would say on the unclassified china power report, there's going to be certain elements, intelligence aspects in the unclassified version that may not be included in that particular report. in terms of what's in that report and what's not in that report, again, we can go back and look at that, but i can tell you, i can assure you that there