you spoke with the president i know will mean a lot to you. >> yes. it will be. >> paula reed and joey reed. please, please keep us updated. really appreciate your time this afternoon. >> thank you. want to turn now to some other big stories out of washington including the president's announcement to try to drive down the cost of gas in this country. we talked about it a minute ago, this plan to release a million barrels of oil every day from the nation's strategic petroleum reserve for the next six months. the president's also asking congress to put more fees on oil companies who aren't drilling on federally leased lands. i want to bring in cnbc's brian sullivan, who is all over the energy beat for cnbc. we're so glad to have you right now because we've got the gallon of gas average stitt sitting at 4.23. 1.36 higher than it was a year ago. everybody knows gas prices are up. we wanted you to give us the gut check here. how much is this going to make a difference, what president biden is doing now, to try to have an impact on people like you and me and consumers across the country who are going out to fill up their tanks? >> all right. well, hey, welcome. good to be here.