concerns? >> i plan to do that over christmas holiday, visit with elderly grand pashts and all of it made much, much safer because our youngest is now able to be vaccinated and that will add a layer of protection for him as well. look, this is not going to be like last holiday season. it's going to be much safer, much better driven in large part by vaccines. >> heidi laid out the degree which this plan involves state and local officials, too, as we've talked about other times in other contexts. there's no shortage of governors who have put roadblocks between children and other covid safety measures. what level of state participation of governors supporting this do you think is necessary to get the kind of vaccine adoption we all really need to move to the next phase of this pandemic? >> that's a fabulous question. you know, my hope is that vaccines for kids is not politicized by governors and really left up to individual parents to make with their pediatrician, with other trusted