we have bungled this withdrawal, been a catastrophe. no going back. we've had this saigon moment. we need to do everything possible to save as many lives as possible. having had the saigon moment we need the dunkirk moment. get everybody out, work with regional allies to provide asylum on a temporary basis if we can't do this all ourselves and we also need the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs to address the nation as well. right now i think the american people have significant concerns about the images they're seeing out of afghanistan. there needs to be more aggressive leadership coming out of the white house, out of the pentagon. i'm glad they provided information at the briefing. as a member of the armed services committee the final thing for congress to reconvene. there is a role for to us play. we're all getting questions from our constituents, many of whom have friends that are trapped in afghanistan, and in some cases we don't know who to put them in touch with at the state