the last month. >> like true entrepreneurs, we wanted to capitalize on this international attention. and sell t-shirts. >> we went from being a landscaper, to selling merchandise. we just started filling orders day and night. >> we have done approximately one point $5 million in sales revenue. that's a lot of t-shirts. we've been getting a lot of fan mail, people have been sending us christmas cards with our zoom background on them. >> can you believe somebody made this? they made us our own lego set. there was a direct emma of our company in berlin. that amazed me. that who would want this? >> somebody made a virtual reality four seasons. we had people showing up on our doorstep knocking, asking for t-shirts. we even had one employee that was leaving, and somebody offered them $50 for the stained sweaty t-shirt off their back. we had hundreds of visitors coming in the first couple days following our social media revamp.