includes the alleged whistle-blower's name in the headline. as the daily beast reported last month, trump had gossiped for weeks about his alleged whistle-blower with various friends, and media figures, and senior administration officials, and had asked some people if they thought it was a good idea for him to publicly announce or tweet the name. according to the beast, several people close to the president, such as ivanka trump and white house counsel had privately cautioned him against saying or saying the name in public arguing it would be counterproductive. and unnecessary. still ahead, this morning -- >> we'll begin immediate construction of a border wall. >> i'm going to build a wall that is going to be really a wall. >> it is not going to be a little wall. it is going to be a big beautiful wall. >> it has to be a real wall. not a toy wall. >> not a toy wall like we have right now. >> it is not a wall. it is a little fence. >> it is ten feet tall, it is a fence, see that ceiling, that ceiling is peanuts, folks.