hyper partisanship is, it is a put-off, it turns people off, but not when you see elijah cummings. he always spoke in measured terms and tones about people on the opposite side of the aisle. i want to mention again fairness which will be badly missed. >> i want to talk about a quote, this fairness that elijah couplings had and the way in which he spoke, this inspiring way in which he spoke and here is a quote from him that i think many of us remember, i think it was over just the half couple of months, he said we must also stop the hate. incendiary comments. we got to do it. those in the highest level of governments must stop invoking fear using racist language and rep hencive behavior. it cause morse division among us and severely limbs our ability to 0 work together for the common good. as a country, we must say enough is enough, that we are done with the hateful rhetoric, we are done with the mass shootings, white supremacists, domestic terrorists who terrorize in our