it starts going up from-- it starts going $40, $50,$60, $70. it goes up to like $180that day. i'm sitting therewatching the ticker, and i'm like,i need to do this now. i need tosell out, because i was in other stuff.and i was like, i need to sell for a lossand get back in right now. and ifucking do it. and i'm holding 2,000 sharesagain of gamestop. i'm not selling it for lessthan what i think it's worth, and whati think it's worth is way more than what they wantto pay for it. so i'm holding fora million dollars a share. i'm holding for the moass,the squeeze. nobody knowswhat it can go to. this has neverhappened before, and it probably will neverhappen again. it could come now. it could come infive years from now. it's turned into along-term investment for me. [explosion] i'm hoping this is the biggesttransfer of wealth