cult, right?that's what i felt in my head. all this stuff, i felt likei got this cult mentality. it's like you've gotto be careful about confirmation've got to be carefulabout these things. and i had beenpreaching that for years. i'm like, how did this happen to me?that's what i felt in my head. i felt likei had been lied to. i felt like i bought intosomething that wasn't true. chris garcia: once we startedlosing money, dude, the margin calls werecoming in almost daily. and for a while,it was daily. it was like, hey, you owe us,like, $2,000. like, you need to clearthis up now. shit. let me sell x amount of stockof this, right? because before all this,i was just using my cash. so granted, as soonas they turned on margin, i paid the 5 bucks a monthfor the robinhood gold. seriously,once i got to there, it was like, oh my god,, they're going to give me an extra,like, 8 grand right now to play with? i lost thousands uponthousands