you have to go after republicans -- and said these people who are not condemning violence, the history of authoritarianism says that is never going to beat them, but it's very difficult to say that because it has a spiraling set. >> ruth, thank you so much, always a pleasure to talk to you. and giving us a really add a check on where we are as a country. thank, you ruth. >> the idea that you think, ruth, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. it's hard, we talk to ruth? we talked to tim snyder, showing freeman in expert and political violence. regularly i had rethought on saturday morning, you had her on last night. we had her on today. there's no business, ruth ben-ghiat has and tv on a regular basis with a book that should not be relevant today. same thing with him, and, and and all of these people. it's a fascinating time in america with experts on fascism, dictatorship, autocracy and