>> chairman, how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> big night tonight. i'm flashing back to 2009. i'm looking at new jersey, i'm looking at virginia and i'm trying to figure out what the strategy coming out of this cycle in 2009 would -- how it sets me up for 2010. how do you look at this cycle regardless of the outcome, win or lose, because you have to work through both in your head, right? >> yep. >> if we win i do "a," if we lose, i do "b." how do you assess your strategy going into 2022 because as the national chairman, you're going to have a lot of campaigns under your foot to kind of push and shove and move in a certain direction with messaging, with support, get out the vote efforts, how are you seeing that strategy in light of the fact that republicans clearly think that they have the democrats number on the social issues and