let's take you to the 2020 campaign trail. former vice president joe biden continues to beat back unsubstantiated claims from president trump surrounding his son, hunter's, work in ukraine. >> got to get something straight. all this talk of the president about corruption comes from the most corrupt president we've had in modern history. he's the definition of corruption. he's indicted himself by his own statements. there is not about me. it's not about my son. there's not a shred of evidence there's anything done wrong. >> then senator elizabeth warren, she continues are rise in the polls and senator bernie sanders right now forced to the sidelines for a few days. sanders leaving a las vegas hospital yesterday. he traveled home to vermont after his campaign confirmed the candidate did suffer a heart attack. but the sanders campaign insists the senator will participate in the next debate. that's october 15th, in ohio, as the top 12 candidates prepare to face off. joining us from youngstown,

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