heather. >> her exact words, "sidney called me." and i was like, "what?" and she was like, "yeah." and i was like, "well, what did he say?" she said, "he wanted to be with me and see me." >> reporter: bri told her friend not to do anything rash. >> and i was like, "you know what, you're right. i'm gonna get some sleep. i'm exhausted. and i love you," because we always say i love you when we hang up, and hung up. >> reporter: and that was it, bri said, the last time she spoke with heather. it was news to terry. he'd never heard of a sidney before. then the officer had an idea. >> the officer starts calling hospitals to check and see if -- if she's been admitted somewhere. and when he called one of the local hospitals, they said that a heather elvis had been -- had come in on their own and had been released. >> reporter: he thought heather must be okay.