murderer. >> we are relying on scientific -- >> the media, including nbc's quincy affiliate, were all over the story. covering every moment of his fall from grace. >> he's accused of killing his first wife. >> the former prosecutor would himself be prosecuted by ed parkinson. >> you can't get around rigor mortise, in my opinion, and make sense of this case, and the timeline didn't make sense with curtis. >> in january of 2016, nearly a decked caid after cory lovelace's death, curtis arrived for the first day of his trial, he faced 20 to 60 years in prison upon conviction for a first degree murder, he pleaded not guilty. cameras were not allowed in the courtroom. >> it was clear to me, it didn't matter what i did, as far as the prosecution was concerned. their only concern was that they needed to create a crime, and they needed for me to look bad in order to do that. >> curtis didn't necessarily prosecutors help to make him