acts. but did he, we wondered. >> i screwed up. >> reporter: is screwed up the right expression to use? >> probably not. i just didn't want to say it -- what i really think. >> reporter: well, why don't you? >> it's -- it's beyond evil, what happened. what -- what me and him did was beyond evil. >> reporter: but then came, sure enough, the excuse. he's worked it out in his head, that the parole system is somehow to blame for his crimes. after all, as sex offenders he and franc cano shouldn't have been permitted to be together. that was a parole violation. and the fact that their parole officers didn't prevent that violation, he said, means the state is responsible. >> we chose to be together. >> reporter: yeah. >> but we were allowed. there's a difference. >> reporter: but no, no, no, i mean i -- are you 3? >> what do you mean? >> reporter: that's what little kids say to their parents. you let me do a bad thing. it's your fault. >> no, i didn't say they let us