she ain't moving man. >> reporter: denita seemed to have perhaps lost her balance and fallen down the stairs. police and paramedics rushed to the complex. the college was quickly notified, as was denita's y family. >> "miss smith, denita fell. she's unconscious, but they're f trying to revive her." he said, "are you coming to durham?" and i'm still trying to wrap my head around, you fell, unconscious, revive.miyi i said yes, i'm coming. >> reporter: sharon and her two other children lived in charlotte, almost a three-hour drive from durham. >> on my way there i did call jermeir. >> reporter: that was jermeir stroud, denita's fiance, a police officer who worked in greensboro, much closer to durham. >> and i said, "jermeir, i need you to get to durham now. denita has fell.du she's unconscious. they're trying to revive her." so he said okay. because i knew from greensboro to durham he would be there before i would. >> could you tell whether he had any idea of this? >> he didn't let on like he was aware. >> reporter: word spread fast that something had happened at