>> reporter: dahlia was rushed to the police department for the start of the interviews. she began by telling detectives that michael, her deceased husband, wasn't exactly squeaky clean. >> he's been trying to get off probation, and it's been nothing but problems the whole time he's been trying to get off. >> mike dippolito, she said, was a convicted felon. >> it was for taking money. like, he explained like "boiler room", kind of where they would take money from people. >> reporter: in other words, her murdered husband was a guy with enemies. when he was released from prison after seven months, he was still looking at more than 25 years of probation. he'd been ordered to make restitution to the victims he'd fleeced, an outstanding i.o.u. of $191,000. >> people weren't happy that he was getting off probation, because it's a lot of money he's got to pay back. >> reporter: find out who he owed, suggested dalia, and