happened. as we're leaving, getting ready to finish up the interview with her, someone hands me a note. and it's from a supervisor. and it says, "a gentleman, one of her co-workers would like to speak with you before you leave." >> reporter: and what that co-worker had to say would raise serious questions. not just for shannon crawley but also for her former lover, jermeir stroud. did someone want shannon dead as well? >> she says, you know, i'm kind of in fear of my life. >> when "internal affairs," continues. irs," continues. hts traffic. no parking. -i told you. oh, a spot! hold on. it fights tension. seriously, did you take my phone? passenger light on. it even fights...fighting. innovation that keeps people together. the 2020 glc. lease the glc 300 suv for just $479 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.

Related Keywords

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