we vacationed. >> but it was in her spare moments and hours that stephanie was truly transformed, a ball room dancer. >> dancing was probably to her what photography is to me. >> it was her passion, said her old friend, bill. >> he knows flamenco. >> stephanie loved to dance. i mean, dance was her life. she was alive when she danced. >> hardly surprising then that stephanie and jennifer were close, too. >> we started a ball room dancing at my dance studio. pretty soon she had me being backflips with men and partnering. >> but it was dance that led off the whole cascade of trouble. in the fall of 2010, an annual fund-raiser here in silverthorne called dancing with the mountain stars, local worthies paired with ballroom pros. did you go? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. i went to three years of them. the last one, i did not go to the last one. >> had a wedding to shoot.