this day planner. >> from the year is 96, 97 and 1990. eight >> what were the chances of that here six years later was the day planner for 1998. the year jack jessee was murdered crucial evidence tossed in schrauben's garbage. >> a treasure that we did not expect to find. but what's that the plunder did was connected all the people back in 1998 that were associated with brett schrauben. >> what did you think? >> this is too good to be true. i thought good things were going to happen. somebody is back on her side again. >> and with this evidence doug was able to get a judge to approve a wiretap on brett schrauben's phone. then as doug waited for the -- he continued to go through schrauben's trash lucky so far he thought he'd find not more. and didi? he did! and it turned the case upside down. he found rental listing in arizona. brett schrauben was moving out