made it home after the party. >> kinda got a lump in my throat. like what? >> and she joined in the search that night. >> at the time, i guess there was a hope that maybe something silly happened, like she got her leg caught in somewhere. that maybe she just somehow was on the property. >> got lost, was in the woods somewhere or something. >> yeah. i mean, this is monroe, stuff like that don't happen in monroe. >> it's safe, safe little place. >> yeah. >> the next thing becky heard was very early the next morning. tuesday -- >> i got a knock on my door from the police. >> and then, finally, becky understood. something awful may have happened to her friend chelsea. what did your mind go to? >> the worst possible scenarios. maybe she walked home. what if she got hit by a car? what if she's in a ditch somewhere, you know? what if somebody kidnapped her or trafficking? >> there were cases of human trafficking? >> yes. >> so people were being snatched, you know, women particularly. and then taken to be prostitutes somewhere against their will -- >> yeah. >> how did that feel?