about the details of what aaron said. only about who he identified as the person who hurt his mother. >> did aaron indicate that his mother had been hurt? >> yes, he did. >> and did he identify who did that to his mother? >> yes, he did. >> and who did he say? >> his daddy. his father. >> you guys had a good day on the stand with that testimony. >> oh, yeah. >> that was a win. >> that was a win. >> but jurors would hear aaron on the witness stand telling a different story. about the gruesome discovery of his mother's remains under the outdoor shower. >> tell the jury what you found next. >> i was digging the hole. i noticed -- >> sitting just a few feet away at the defense table was mike, his biological father. >> i picked up the coconut object and it ended up being the top portion of her skull. >> so, once you start seeing that it's human remains, what do you do? >> we set the top portion of the skull back in, in the hole, and i called my mom, who i